About HM Waugh

I’m a children’s book author, environmental scientist and educator. I love to empower kids through knowledge and literacy. Great books are key to this!

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Image: Jessica Wyld

I live with my hubby and child, several chickens, and an adorable (but rather cheeky) dog. By day I can be spotted in classrooms and in gardens, pollinating cucurbits or inspiring kids to get their STEAM on (that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics in case you’re out of the education loop).

I’m an avid reader of kidlit and an active member of SCBWI. I write middle-grade and young adult fiction, usually with a pot of tea beside me (black, please), even if it often goes cold.

Read, enjoy and join the conversation!

HM (Heather) Waugh

BSc(EnvSc)Hons, GradDipEd(Sec)

Find me on twitter and instagram @hm_waugh

Unless otherwise stated, all photos on the blog are mine (or my husband’s) except for book covers, which come from publisher or author websites, and free images through Pablo.