Fist-pump for 40K!

Fortyk_earnedI have a hot pot of tea at the ready, plenty of mind-nurturing snacks on my desk, and my MC is literally falling off the side of a mammoth mountain and I need to save her.

This is no time for procrastination.

(‘What did you just call me?’ asks my blog.)


However, I also just tipped 40,000 words on the SnowNaNo, so…

Whoo hoo! Pat myself on the back!


Now, get back to it…

7 thoughts on “Fist-pump for 40K!

    • Thanks Thomas!
      I haven’t read ANY of what I’m writing. That’ll be a whole new exciting proposition for… hmmm… December I think!
      Anyway, it’s Junior Fiction so I’m going to need to slash the word count considerably. I’m looking forward to it.

      Liked by 1 person

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